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Mission & Vision

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The HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK serves as an active and coordinating interface between knowledge and resources and defines itself as an evolutionary global network with highest requirements on quality and further development of humans.

By focusing on knowledge transfer and communication the organisation provides an exchange platform for a broad range of synergetic projects among High Potentials, Young Professionals, Leaders and International Companies & Institutions.


  • As an active coordinator within the network, the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK supports all its member groups in realizing their own ideas. The network brings together knowledge and resources to create the basis for successful activities and initiatives, acting as a strong and powerful interface.


  • As the different member groups – namely High Potentials, Young Professionals, Leaders and International Companies – follow the natural development of the member's professional careers, the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK serves as a life-long accompanying organisation, thus ever increasing the potential of the network itself in contrast to one target-group specific networks. By focusing on members all over the world, our truly global association extends beyond geographical restrictions.


  • To maintain the highest level of quality, the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK carefully selects all of its members by thoroughly assessing them in various aspects; many of them come from pre-selected channels. The development of the member's full potential, independet from the current stage, is also one important goal of the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK.


  • As knowledge depicts one of the network's most precious resources, the transfer of knowledge represents an essential part, realized through profound communication across different member groups. Major parts of the communication within the network take place on a web-based platform, a website with highly innovative communication tools.


  • By providing a web-based platform as a technical interface between members from all over the world, independent from location and time, the basis for initiating a broad range of projects with mutual benefits is created.


  • With the integration of different member groups in one network, advantages like the transfer of knowledge and experience are certain for all of the involved members.

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> Mission & Vision | > Organisation | > History | > Sponsors & Partners | > Team

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  • The HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK is an international non-profit organisation, based on Austrian law, with its headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

  • The organisation is to 100% independent from political parties or similar groups.

  • Due to it's open-mindedness global conception and international approach, the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK is totally free of discrimination against nationality, ethnic affiliation, culture, religious belief or similarities.

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The HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK's team consists of young, highly motivated people that mainly work on an honorary basis in their spare time to realize the organisation's vision. Each of them is an outstanding character with great experience and knowledge in their area of competence. Particularly, their close relation to the target group of High Potentials perfectly enables the whole team to act in the interest of the network's members.

Hannes Offenbacher

Isabell A. Claus
Vice Chairman

Robert Steiner
Honorary Treasurer

Heinz Grünwald

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Sponsors & Partners

EADS Space Transportation

From communications and entertainment to increasing our understanding of the Earth and the universe, space is today a part of our daily life. It is also crucial for peacekeeping and security. EADS Astrium is a world leader in space applications, specialising in the design and manufacture of satellites, with business activities covering civil and military telecommunications and Earth observation, science and navigation programmes, together with the whole range of space equipment and associated ground infrastructure. In all these fields, EADS Astrium has an impressive track record:

  • A world leader in Earth observation satellites
  • Prime contractor for over 60 communications satellites
  • A key player in the European satellite navigation system Galileo
  • The European leader in scientific programmes
  • A world-class supplier of space vehicle equipment and subsystems for the global space industry

unternehmen bildung
an initiative of the bm:bwk - Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture

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The partnership of economy, industry and education means to realize chances and to go new ways together. Through the exchange of opinions and experiences, initiatives and networks can be created.

Since the beginning, well-known partners collaborate on the initiative "unternehmen bildung": through specific cooperations, projects, exchange of experience and ressources and valuable investments.
These alliances represent a new way into the future. We all have one aim: to create a leadership role in a global market of education and to contribute together to an excellent education of the Austrian pupils.


factline offers software products and content services for knowledge communities (analyses, concepts, content). In addition, factline runs the portal www.factforum.com, where public knowledge communities are assessed according to quality standards.
factline also offers a Content & Community Management System (CMS) for knowledge communities to exchange and publish information, and to set important facts into context. FCS is used for project collaboration, client communities or public knowledge platforms. The factchat is a module on its own. In order to make chat a powerful tool in the working environment, factchat has been enhanced with two additional "dimensions": Entries can be positioned freely (space) and remain accessible and searchable (time).

ICAF – International Child Art Foundation

ICAF is one of the world's premier organizations for children. ICAF focuses on the mind of the child, the creative and cooperative faculties that are often overlooked by teachers and parents. The arts can be a dynamic channel to foster a child's creativity and imagination. The arts can also link the children to each other, connecting them around the globe. The visual arts are a powerful, language-independent medium.


UNITRAIN is an Austrian wide career platform that understands itself as a connection between university and economy. UNITRAIN offers an all-round service for students and alumins concering their after-studying-life. Experient consultants provide professional advice and help planning future working carrers. In Coaching lessons and Soft-Skill-Seminars trainers convey addiditional skills to students and alumnis.

DUC – Dubai University College

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As a corporate academic college in partnership with Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry, DUC strives to be pre-eminent in providing the highest quality applied learning based on international academic standards, in addition to professional development services to the workforce in both the private and public sectors.

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The first steps of realizing the vision of the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK were made in 2002 when the initiators decided to establish the organisation together with the first major sponsor, the EADS Space Transportation. The organisation was officially founded in March 2003 as an international non-profit organisation, based on Austrian law. Since then, a dedicated team of highly motivated people work worldwide on making the vision a reality.

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