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A newer version of this fact exists. (view)

table of content


Part I: Features and interface of the P-Admin


Part II: Manage users and groups


Part III: Services: permissions and options



Part V: Interface and design

Create a Navigation fact

A Navigation Fact, a fact that will have links to various folders or facts (Link to an infoID ("factlink")), that then can be altered via CSS.


This way, these links can then be made to appear as Buttons.


  1. Create a new text fact, inside the Design and Layout Folder on your platform.
  2. Note the factID of this new Navigation fact.
  3. Access the Padmin Interface of your Server.
  4. On the left side of the Interface access the "Messages"-Section.
  5. Then click on the Symbol to the right of "Options area (left frame) texts"  in the "Modify"-Column.
  6. Include the fact, that was created in Step 1 in the above field:
    You can do this with the factID of the fact. Just be sure to use the Version-Number "0". This way, always the newest version of the fact is used.


    <factinclude ID.0 display="text" nobreak="1"/>

The fcs-tags of the factinclude are essential, otherways the the navigation fact may not be displayed correctly.


Create Buttons


Now that the fact is included, we need to fill it with Buttons.


The Buttons, are simple Links inside of the platform. For example a factlink to a Folder.

Edit your navigation-fact and switch to HTML-Mode.


the content of the Text-field in HTML-Mode should look like this:





Now we need to add a factlink inbetween the <html> </html> tags.




<factlink 3222740.1>
BTB - Bautagebuch


But this Example only creates a simple link.


this is why we surround "BTB - Bautagebuch" with <div> </div> tags.


<factlink 3222740.1>
BTB - Bautagebuch


and this <div>-tag we can now customize by simply adding style="  " to the <div>-tag.


<factlink 3222740.1>
<div style=" ">
BTB - Bautagebuch


Now we have a place to add our CSS-Syntax:


First we want our Buttons to have a little bit of space around them, so they don't look like they are sticking directly to other buttons, that might be created later on. This is why we first add a margin:


<factlink 3222740.1>
<div style=" margin: 5px;">
BTB - Bautagebuch


Now we want to surround the Button with a border, so i actually looks like a Button. We want this border to be 1px thick, solid and black:


<factlink 3222740.1>
<div style=" margin: 5px; border: 1px solid black;">
BTB - Bautagebuch

Alternatively, colors can also be added as HEX-Code. The hex-code for black for example is #000000

The same applies to Font- and Background-color. If we want the background to be white(#FFFFFF) for example:


<factlink 3222740.1>
<div style=" margin: 5px; border: 1px solid black; background: #FFFFFF;">
BTB - Bautagebuch

Now, we only need the Button to be a little bit Bigger, so it is easier to click. this is why we need to add 5px of "padding" on the top and the bottom:


<factlink 3222740.1>
<div style=" margin: 5px; border: 1px solid black; background: #FFFFFF; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">
BTB - Bautagebuch


Finally we want the Text in the Button to be centered and strong:


<factlink 3222740.1>
<div style=" margin: 5px; border: 1px solid black; background: #FFFFFF; padding-top: 5px;padding-bottom: 5px;">
BTB - Bautagebuch


Now all that needs to be done, is check, that the Permissions for this fact are correct, so that everyone who should be able to see the Buttons is actually permitted to see them. Same goes for the linked fact. If a User is missing the required Permissions to see the fact, he will also not be able to see the Button.


The last Step now is to publish the fact and the next time the page reloads, the Button should be visible.


As for the Example above, the Button would look like this:




info3 - 125057.2
The method to create Buttons also works with an addlink instead of a factlink. 

Autore: factline Webservices GmbH
Pubblicato da: factline Webservices GmbH
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 5887607.35 Pubblicato il 20 Okt. 2015; 19:19

Advanced Header upload interface

You can change the appearance of the header by clicking on the "Advanced Header upload interface".


advh - 288808.1


1. Click on "Edit/Create uploaded header".  You will see a form where you should write the html code for your custom  header. Don`t forget to put the html tag.

If you want to use the factline special tags, please write <advancedparser/><html>your code</html>.

2. Click on "Save changes".

3. You will be redirected to the main menu:


startusing - 288812.2


4. Click on "START using the uploaded header". Now your custom header is active on your platform.

5. You can return to the default header by clicking "Stop using the uploaded header and switch to default" or you can make further changes to your header by clicking on "Edit/Create uploaded header".

6. You can use a previous version of the header, by choosing the backup file after you click on "Edit/Create uploaded header":

 loaded - 288816.1

7. If you want to upload images for the header, use the file manager and click  on "Update images LIVE", otherwise the images won`t be visible.


filem - 288818.1


Note: The uploaded images through this interface are directly accessible with their names for the whole padmin.

Autore: Milena Staykova
Pubblicato da: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 288806.7 Pubblicato il 22 Nov. 2010; 09:58

Create a stylesheet (Body design)

Stylesheet is the abbreviation for CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). A stylesheet is a kind of template for HTML pages. The layout (background color, font type, text size,...) for all pages is specified in one template.

In order to create a stylesheet, proceed as follows:

|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Now, click on the "modify"-button next to "Body design".

|3| A stylesheet consists of several elements called "classes". Below, you see all available classes in the simple mode.

pAdmin - stylesheet classes overview - 137183.2

Some classes have sub-classes. Click on the plus symbol left of the class label in order to display the sub-classes.

Classes next to a grey checkbox serve only as a heading. Changes can only be made in the classes lying underneath.

info3 - 125057.2
The help buttons tell you which elements can be changed in the individual classes. If you click on a help button, a pop-up window opens with all necessary information.

|4| Click on the title of a class in order to specify or change certain elements. If you want to edit more than one class at once, click in the checkboxes of the desired classes and click on "edit selected" at the bottom.

pAdmin - stylesheet edit class - 137184.2

|5a| In classes, which refer to characters, you can make six different settings (font type, font color, font size, font weight, font style, text decoration). You can specify the font color by selecting it from the color overview table or by entering teh exact color value in the input field next to the color selection.

|5b| If you want to restore the original settings in the class, click on "reset class" at the bottom.

|6| Click on “save” to submit your settings.

If you want to restore the stylesheet for the entire platform, click on "reset css file" in the stylesheet interface start page.


For advanced users(advanced mode): 


  • you can "switch the manual CSS" via clicking on the link placed under the menu in the left side.
  • you can also add styles and customize the fonts displayed in TinyMCE. You can manage this in advanced mode (the step described above) in section "custom editor-generated CSS" or by checking link_cust_generated_CSS.PNG - 1543822.1 placed under the interface of the simple mode.
  • you can define additional styles for the Print layout  by checking the additional_css_print_preview.PNG - 1599953.1 placed under the interface of the simple mode.  Use "!important" to override all styles, while printing. If you don't want to use the custom defined styles, click on "stop using".

Autore: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Pubblicato da: Webservices factline 4
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 162566.12 Pubblicato il 03 Mai. 2011; 15:19

Fact icons

On every factline platform there is a number of icons (symbols) to lighten its use. To incorporate the icons in the design of each individual platform there is a couple of sets in different colors.


Go to P-admin > Interface > Fact icons


The default icon set is the blue one. In padmin you can select a set with a different color, e.g. red or grey.


To open edit settings, you should open Interface > Fact Icons in Padmin.



fact_icons.jpg - 1317070.1



Autore: Webservices GmbH factline
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1317099.6 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 16:27

Left column - list of boxes

The options area summarizes information on facts which are displayed in the main window.

The p-admin can:

  • define boxes
  • hide the options area
  • add design elements
    If you want to add other elements to the options area ( e.g. In-Platform Admin , or download as *.pdf, etc.), please contact us via email support@factline.com

The following boxes are available in the options area:

permissions for the fact which is displayed in the main window are shown
direct access to all service depositories in which the original facts are stored
Folders in Structure provides direct access to all folders on the first level of your structure
login input fields
Edit functions
links for creating, editing, deleting facts
News-, Event-, Library and Link facts can be filtered by date and/or type
options with which you can change the display mode in the main window
e.g. forum > display all items full text, album > switch to detailed view
menu for editing the personal settings
E-Mail Notification
adapt your e-mail notification settings
auxiliary information
Users online
overview of all users who are currently logged in
Latest changes
list of 10 latest changes which have been published on the platform
>> see: latest changes
Search input mask: a search query opens a list of results
(>> see: Factlist & Search) in the main window
menu for newsletter subscription
This page
ideal print version of the fact displayed in the main window

Autore: Angela Gamsriegler
Pubblicato da: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 147686.18 Pubblicato il 10 Nov. 2010; 09:13

Define boxes

Decide which boxes (see chapter "Left column - list of boxes") are relevant on your platform.

In order to define boxes, proceed as follows:

|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Define boxes".

|3| If there are not any boxes on your platform yet, click on "click here to enable boxes".

|4| Now, you see a table with all available boxes. You will be offered a standardized pre-selection which you can adapt according to your wishes at any time.

  • displayed:
    Choose which boxes should be displayed in the options area.


Note: It is recommended Filter, View and Settings boxes to be checked!


  • opened:
    Choose which boxes should be automatically open. Users can close and open boxes if required.

  • visible for:
    Choose which user  groups should be able to see the box.


boxes.PNG - 1542728.1

|5| The radio buttons and arrows in the column "move" allow you to adjust the order of the boxes. Choose a box by clicking in the radio button. Click on the arrow of a box above which the chosen box should be moved.

|6| Click on "save configurations" to submit your settings.


Define custom boxes


There is also the possibility to define a custom box from a text fact on your platform. Fill in the "Create a new box" field with the id of the text fact you want to be shown as a box in the left frame.


custom box - 1279515.1



info3 - 125057.2

|1| new boxes: Click on "refresh the list" to load newly available boxes on your platform. New boxes will be displayed in the p-admin interface afterwards.

|2| Create a new custom box from a fact: Instead of (fact)including your messages via >Messages >Options area (left frame) texts, enter the desired infoID directly into the form "Defining Boxes". Confirm with "Create".

Autore: Diana Filipova, CK
Pubblicato da: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 147688.21 Pubblicato il 10 Nov. 2010; 09:35

Deactivate boxes

Deactivating boxes means switching to the list display version. In the list display, information and functions are not grouped into boxes. Instead they are displayed in a list one under the other.

In order to deactivate boxes, proceed as follows:

|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Define boxes".

Click on "disable boxes" above the table.

Autore: Angela Gamsriegler
Pubblicato da: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 248341.4 Pubblicato il 10 Nov. 2010; 09:39

Defining boxes

[ 248341.0]

Autore: Milena Staykova
Pubblicato da: Milena Staykova
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 288637.1 Pubblicato il 04 Apr. 2007; 12:49

Define list columns

In the service repositories and the structure, content is displayed in lists. You can adapt the organisation of these lists according to your wishes.




|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Define list columns".

|3| Click on the "list"-button next to the desired service. (If you choose the service "Structure", continue with chapter List View in Structure (Thumbnail list))

|4| The following table shows you all data available for display.

pAdmin - servicelist define - 238153.2

|5| Decide which data (e.g. icon, title, infoID,...) should be displayed in the service list by clicking in the checkboxes in the column "Show?".

|6| In the column "Visible for" you can specify which user groups should see the individual columns (e.g. everyone, logged in users only,...).

|7| Moreover, you can adapt the display of the columns:

Min width in px Determines minimum width of the column.
Max characters How many characters should be displayed at most?
Word wrap?

Entries which exceed the minimum column width will be displayed in several rows.

Determines the alignment (e.g. left, right) of entries in the column.
Determines the alignment (e.g. top, bottom) of entries in the row.
Sort asc
The list is sorted ascendingly by the column you choose.
Sort desc
The list is sorted descendingly by the column you choose.


|8| The column "Move" on the left side allows you to change the order of the columns in the list.

|9| Finally, you can choose how many facts should be displayed in the list at once. Moreover, you can hide the header of the columns.

pAdmin - servicelist pages - 238154.2

|10| In order to submit your settings, click on "Save changes".

Autore: Angela Gamsriegler, CK
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 210534.11 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 15:44

List in Structure - Standart Template


In the service repositories and the structure, content is displayed in lists. You can adapt the organisation of these lists according to your wishes.




|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Define list columns".


|3| Click on button "list" next to "Structure".


|4| There are two options: "Standart list" or "Thumbnail list". Choose "Standart list".



structure_lists.png - 208782.2



|5| The following table shows you all data available for display:


structure list pamdin.png - 1420500.2


|6| Decide which data (e.g. icon, title, infoID,...) should be displayed in the service list by clicking in the checkboxes in the column "Show?" thus the facts will be sorted by icon, title, shortname, filename, filesize, comments, children - the number of facts in a folder, number of edit versions, characters, infoID, publisher, and date published.

     You can also specify the minimum width and the maximum number of characters of the column.

     If you set the Word wrap option, when the property of the column has a longer name, it will continue on a new line when a line is full.


|7| You can choose an icon (from a platform image) as a column heading if you want - just paste the infoID of the image in section Icon. The image that you want to put as an icon first have to be uploaded on the platform.

Autore: factline factline
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1378524.11 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 15:33

List View in Structure (Thumbnail list)


There are two different types of lists in the service structure:

simple list with title and metadata (allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 example)

list with image preview for facts of the services "image" and "slideshow" (allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 example)

If you want to allow users to choose between standard and thumbnail list, you need to enable this option. By doing so, users are provided with a drop-down menu as soon as they create a folder.


In order to enable the thumbnail list option, proceed as follows:

|1| Choose "Interface from the main menu.

Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Define list columns".

|3| Click on the "list"-button in the row "Structure".

Click in the checkbox in the row "Thumbnail list".



structure_lists.png - 208782.2



|5| Finally, click on "Save changes".

Autore: Angela Gamsriegler
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 210536.10 Pubblicato il 29 Nov. 2010; 13:07

Custom service labels

The standard version of an FCS platform offers several services with pre-defined service titles. You can adapt the titles according to your wishes.



In order to adapt a service title, proceed as follows:

|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Custom Service labels".

|3| A table opens in which you can define new titles for each service in several languages. The title in the column "Default" is automatically used if you do not define a title for one or more languages.


pAdmin - service labels [en] - 247067.2


Autore: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 154278.10 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 16:26

Interface options

interface options


Hide/display options area

Autore: Milena Staykova
Pubblicato da: Milena Staykova
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 288650.1 Pubblicato il 04 Apr. 2007; 14:13

Setting interface languages

FCS gives you the opportunity to set more then one languages on your platform. In this case you can choose from options to set predefined languages or to create your own. In order to do so, please follow these steps:

A: Setting predefined languages:


|1| Go to pAdmin > Interface > Interface languages


|2| There you will see the following form:

setting_languages_pre.png - 1542872.1


|3| Click in the checkbox placed in the first column, if you want a specific language to be available on your platform.


|4| When you choose the languages, select which one to be the default language on the platform. To do so, click the radio-button placed in the second column "def."  next to the desired item.


|5| You can also show or hide the language selector on the platform, which will be placed in the pathline.



B: Creatining a new custom language:


|1| Type in the new language name and choose of which existing one to be a copy:


new_language.PNG - 1543584.1 

and click on "Save".


|2| Now you can change the display name or the encoding in the interface shown in option A |2|


new_language_cerated.PNG - 1543588.1

|3| In order to translate the interfaces in the newly created language proceed as follows:


|3.1| Click on  modify_button.gif - 1543999.1 - "modify" button - placed in the interface shown in option A |2|


|3.2| A new interface opens, where you can select a Service to translate:


custom_language_translatioins.PNG - 1543589.1


|3.3| Enter your desired changes in the fields. Each field is marked with a text label, wich is unique, and is an identifier for the position where this text appears in the user interface. Note that texts that you already have changed, are marked in green. 


translated_item.PNG - 1543590.1


When you are ready, click on "save".


|4| You can also delete a custom defined language by clicking on the delete_button.gif - 1544000.1 "delete" button next to its name.

Autore: factline Webservices GmbH
Pubblicato da: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1542870.6 Pubblicato il 12 Nov. 2010; 11:31

Interface options

In order to personalize the interface of the platform, proceed as follows:

|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Interface options": 

padmin_interface_options.png - 1539284.3


Option Values
Hide the "help link" to the user manuals? If you want to have a "help icon" next to the language bar, which is linking to the user manuals, you have to uncheck the checkbox.
Disallow hiding of the left frame? This option gives you the possibility to forbid the users to hide the left frame.
Display login form on each page in the left frame?  
Don't display the left frame in guest mode? Whith this option you can easily hide the whole left frame for guests.
No layout tables in show text component This option changes the layout of displayed Text-facts from a table based layout to a Layout that is structured with <div> tags.
Hide TITLE of texts in guest mode? If checked, the titles of the facts won't be shown for guests and/or for the "users" group on the platform.
Fix main frame width / center it: In the input field you have the possibility to set your own width of the main frame and if it is smaller then the width of the whole page, you can choose to center it according to the page.
Do not center the start page? By default the start page is set to be centered to the main frame.
Display fact icon in every fact view page? If checked, you will see a fact icon next to the title, when you click to read a fact.
Display alternative usernames (names)? If checked, you will see the first and last names of a user; otherwise you will see only the user name.
Display alternative usernames (company + names)? If checked, you will see the company and the user name of a user
Upload your own favicon If you want to put a favicon, you just have to place in the field the path to the image on your coputer and click on the save button.
Automatically hide shown emails from bots? If you set this option, all published emails will be hidden from bots and displayed as links. 

Autore: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Pubblicato da: Max Harnoncourt
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 147690.16 Pubblicato il 13 Feb. 2017; 15:50


You can adjust the metainformation options by clicking on "Metainformation" from the Interface Menu.


metainformation_de.PNG - 1534455.1



Option Value

Dont display the metainfo in guest mode?

when checked, users that are not logged in will not see the meta information of the facts
Do not display the guarantee of existence when checked, the users won't be able to see if or what guarantee of existence does the fact have
Do not display the author when checked, the users won't be able to see the authors of the facts
Do not display the copyright when checked, the users won't be able to see the copyright of the facts
Show meta in the comments tree? when checked, the users will be able to see the meta information of each comment
Read statistics for facts in the meta info permissions if you click on the icon, you will be able to select which groups should see the read statistics of the facts and which groups should see detailed read statistics.
Display the read statistics ALSO below the fact itself when checked, you will see the following line with information below each fact:
read_statistics_EN.PNG - 1534459.1
Show list of referers (facts linking to this fact): When checked, you will be able to see which facts are linking to the fact you are viewing.


Autore: Milena Staykova
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 288676.12 Pubblicato il 03 Nov. 2010; 15:45

List of Referers in the Metainfo

To enable the function Referers in Interface click on the "modify" button in row Metainformation. Make sure that the checkbox in row "Show list of referers" is checked.


Referer Padmin - 1378870.1


Click on "Save changes" to apply.

Autore: factline factline
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1378871.4 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 16:26

Read Statistics Options in Padmin

From section Interface>Metainformation in Padmin you can change the options for the read statistics.

First you have to choose which groups can see the read statistics and which of them the detailed read statistics:


Read Statistics - padmin - 1378123.3


Finally you can choose whether you want the read statistics to be displayed bellow the fact itself or not:


Read Statistics - padmin metainfo - 1378145.3

Autore: factline factline
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1378154.7 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 17:17

Factlist & Search options

1.) Adjust the display of search results

Usually, demands of websites differ from demands of platforms. For this reason, the "Factlist & Search" can be adjusted as regards the hiding of unnecessary information. The p-admin can define which information should be visible for which group(s).

In order to adapt the display of "Factlist & Search", proceed as follows:

|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Factlist & Search display".

|3| Make your adjustments in the following subsections:

General display options:
In this section you can adapt the sort sequence, title length, number of results,...
padmin search and display options - 1411332.2


        Please, note: You can set the options for displaying the titles of factlist search results in the following fashions:
                          |a| the titles appear in all their length:  
  • add a bullet in the check box next to the option "Do not cut the full title?"          
                          |b| the titles are cut to entered number of characters:
  • leave the option "Do not cut the full title?" unchecked
  • type the number of characters in the field  next to "Cut the full title to number of characters" - the default value is 30 characters
  • select from the drop down menu for which groups and users the titles will appear shorter                                                                                                              
Column options and visibility:
In this section you can define, which columns should be visible to which group(s).

pAdmin - search columns - 245185.1

2.) Export literature-facts

Those who collect bibliographic data on the platform can use the literature-export option. In the service "Factlist & Search" is a subsection where you can create a CSV-file with the data of all literature-facts. The CSV-file can be opened with a spreadsheet programme (e.g. MS Excel, Open Office).

In order to set permissions for the export option, proceed as follows:

Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Factlist & Search display".

Click on the "modify"-button in the row "CSV-export options".

Choose the group(s) which should be allowed to see the export option.

pAdmin - permission export literature facts - 237041.2

|5| Click on the “Save changes” to submit your settings.

Autore: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 204823.8 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 16:11

Activate Easy Publishing


1.) Activate Easy Publishing

Before Easy Publishing works on your platform, you have to activate the function in your P-Admin-Interface:


|1| Choose „Interface“ from the main-menu.

|2| Click the „modify“-button in the row  "Easy publishing options".


EP-Padmin1.png - 1148564.1



|3| Make your adjustments in the subsections and click "Save changes" to fix your settings. Since then Easy Publishing works for your platform.


easy_publishing.PNG - 1538919.1


 Advanced forms autosave interval: You can choose a minute value between 5 and 60 or select "no autosave".
 Display interface option at login page:
If yes, at the login form you will have the possibility to choose wheter to use ajax forms or not.

Autore: Webservices GmbH factline
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1148576.9 Pubblicato il 05 Jul. 2011; 12:12

Activate Multiple Assignment

In order to use Multiple Assignment on your platform proceed as follows:


|1| Choose from the P-admin menu "Interface" and click on the "modify" button in the row  "Easy publishing options".


multiass_padmin.PNG - 1616311.1


|2| Click in the checkbox next to "Use Forms 3". Now you have enabled the Multiple Assignment.


|3| Further settings:


Default doctype:

Select from the drop down the fact type that will open as default when creating a new fact

Multiple Assignment single home always selected: 

If this option is enabled, and there is only one home folder for the current user, the step with selecting home folder will be skipped and that folder will be checked for assignment.

Disable wizard:

If checked, there will be no wizard mode when creating a new fact.
Set permissions on edit: If enabled, even when editing an existing fact, the multiple assignment permissios will get recalculated by default, though the user will have an option to keep his/her permissions.

Autore: factline 3 Webservices GmbH
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1616309.4 Pubblicato il 05 Jul. 2011; 12:29

Custom platform stylesheet

Here you can write the styles you want to use for your platform. There is no need to enter style start/end tags.


For example:


H1        {
        font-family:    "Copperplate Gothic Bold";
        background:    transparent;
        color:        #993300;
        text-align:    center;
H2, H3, H4, H5    {
        background:    transparent;
        color:        #993300;
        margin-top:    4%;
        text-align:    center;

Autore: Webservices GmbH factline
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1324013.2 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 15:36

Custom platform javascript

Here you can write the javascript functions you want to use for your platform. There is no need to enter javascript start/end tags.


For example:


function printPreview(){
var url = window.location.href + '?&printpreview=1';
url = window.location.href + '&printpreview=1';

Autore: Webservices GmbH factline
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 1324017.3 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 15:36

Design a header

The header of your platform can be customized according to your wishes. You can change simple things like text color, text size, background colour yourself. At the moment, more advanced design can only be implemented by factline Webservices GmbH upon request.

info3 - 125057.2
Advanced header design:
If factline has created an advanced design for you, you must not use the header design interface in the p-admin interface, otherwise you will delete the header created by factline.

In order to adjust the header design, proceed as follows:

Choose "Interface" from the main menu.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button next to "Header design".

|3| At the top, you can see an image with letters and numbers in it. The numbers refer to input fields where you can make your adjustments:

Point (1): Here you can change the platform title, and the font type for text in the header.
Point (2): Insert a character which should be placed between the menu buttons (e.g. "-" or "|").
Point (3 - 6): Choose the background color for the different parts of the header.
Point (1, 7 – 8): Choose a text size and text color.
Point (A – C): Choose the height (in pixels) of the header parts of the header.
Point (9 – 10): Choose the space (in pixels) around the partner image.

Click on “Save Changes” to save your adjustments.


Autore: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Pubblicato da: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
Info: 162564.7 Pubblicato il 06 Okt. 2010; 15:34


Part VI: Additional important options


Part VII: System messages


Part VIII: Statistics


Part IX: HowTo

Autore: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Pubblicato da: factline Webservices (factline5)
Info: 1530034.5 (...storia); Pubblicato il 05 Okt. 2010 14:40
Struttura  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals 
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