Sākums > Struktūra > English > Glossary > Link to an infoID ("factlink")
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Link to an infoID ("factlink")

A link in the world wide web indicates the location, that is the address, of a website at a certain time. Information on a factline platform is referenced via a unique identifier, the "infoID". In other words, a link on an FCS platform does not refer to a certain location but rather to the piece of information itself. As a result, links always remain intact even if a document is moved to another folder or to another platform. Subsequently, there are no "dead links"!

A factlink can either be created in text editor, simple text or HTML mode:

A) create a factlink in text editor ("epoz facttext") mode
B) create a factlink in simple text mode
create a factlink in HTML mode

info3 - 125057.2
How can I search for an infoID? - In most cases you will not know the infoID of the desired document by heart. Therefore, you can find the link "search for indoIDs" in the options area (left column) whenever you open an input mass with a text entry field. If you click on the link, a search field opens, in which you can enter a keyword of the desired fact. After clicking on the "search" button, a list of all matching facts is displayed together with their infoIDs.

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Autors: Astrid Holzhauser; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publicēja: Angela Gamsriegler (gamsrieglera)
infoID: 153060.8 (...Arhīvs); Publicēts 29 Sep. 2006 10:26
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