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Part I: General information

Browser requirements

In order to use an FCS platform the following browser requirements should be met:


1. The browser should support and has cookies enabled

2. The browser should support and has javascript enabled

3. The browsers should have AJAX support

4. If the platform uses SSL (secure socket layer) the browser should be SSL 2.0 compatible

5. HTML 4.0 compliant browser

6. CSS 2 compliant browser


We officially support the following browsers:


Firefox 2.x

Firefox 3.x

Opera 9.x

Opera 10.x


Google Chrome 2 - 7


MS Internet Explorer 7

MS Internet Explorer 8

MS Internet Explorer 9 beta


Safari 4.x

Safari 5.x


The following browsers are not supported*:


Versions of Opera less than 9

Firefox 1.x

Google Chrome 1

Safari 1.x, Safari 2.x and Safari 3.x

MS Internet Explorer 5.5, MS Internet Explorer 6



These browsers are outdated! They may work well but some problems may occur while using a platform generally connected with creation and editing of facts, file and image upload.

AutorIn: factline factline
Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
infoID: 1539241.4 Publiziert am 04 Jän. 2012; 14:21

Functional hierarchy

To run an FCS platform, people with three different levels of privileges are needed. In order to understand these levels, we would like to begin by giving a short explanation.

There are 3 levels of privileges in the hierarchy:

  • System administrator ("S-Admin"):
    The system administrator assigns one ore more platform administrators ("P-Admin") to each platform.

  • Platform administrator ("P-Admin"):
    The platform administrator provides each user group with access and/or publishing rights for particular services.

  • Users:
    Users set permissions for the content ("facts") they create.


info3 - 125057.2
If factline acts as an application service provider (ASP), the system runs on a server powered by factline. In this case, factline takes over the tasks of the S-Admin.


AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Publiziert von: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
infoID: 115657.16 Publiziert am 24 Aug. 2010; 12:56

System administrator ("s-admin")


The first task of the s-admin is to set up the platform, which includes:

  • deciding on a platform title
  • deciding on a domain name
  • selecting one or more appropriate platform administrators
  • enabling desired features (i.e. services)

info3 - 125057.2
Forms of use - ASP and server license
factline offers the factline Community Server (FCS) as an ASP solution. This means the server, on which a client's platform is installed, is located at factline. Furthermore, the functions of the system administrators are taken over by factline representatives. The customer can also purchase a server license. In this case the platform is installed on the server of the customer and the customer is the system administrator.



AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Publiziert von: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices Gmbh
infoID: 115709.25 Publiziert am 05 Okt. 2010; 11:54

Platform administrator ("p-admin")

After the platform is set up to the customer's specifications and is linked to the desired internet domain by the s-admin, the platform is passed to the p-admin.

Please, note! At this time noone can provide content to the platform, not even the p-admin, because there are no permissions assigned. Users can only register and change their settings (userdata).


In this initial phase, the tasks of the platform administrator are to:


info3 - 125057.2
If desired, factline can support you in the initial phase as P-Admin. Moreover at the beginning factline can take control over the functions of the P-Admin for you. Factline can also advise you how to structure your platform useful.

info3 - 125057.2
 A future platform administrator has to register like all normal users. Afterwards, the s-admin of the new platform can define users as p-admins.


Once the initial phase is completed, users, that have the right permissions, can create content, assign permissions to that content, view content, connect with other users (using ping, chat,...), etc.


As concerns the maintenance of the platform, the p-admin has to:


Read more in the p-admin manual.

AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser
Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
infoID: 115710.23 Publiziert am 25 Okt. 2010; 10:17


Users have different rights depending on the group(s) they are assigned to and the permissions these groups have been granted. In general, a user can only see services and contents for which he/she has been authorized.


A user can:

  • register
  • change his/her "settings" (address, telephone number, photo, password,...)
  • order automatic e-mail notification about changes on the platform
  • view content (The permission system controls who sees what.)
  • create content (The permission system controls who is able to create content.)
  • link pieces of content with each other
  • change content (The permission system controls who is able to edit content.)
  • delete content (The permission system controls who is able to delete content.)
  • set permissions for new or edited content
  • get into contact with other users (ping, chat…), if these services are activated

info3 - 125057.2
 A user sees the groups the p-admin has defined and can decide which groups he/she would like to grant read/write permissions for his/her content. However, a user cannot add his/her own groups. 

AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser
Publiziert von: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
infoID: 115711.24 Publiziert am 25 Aug. 2010; 11:15



In order to be able to work on your platform, you have to register. You only need to enter your name and an e-mail address. All information will be kept confidentially, of course. Each platform-administrator decides individually which rights he/she assigns to newly registered users.

In order to register, proceed as follows:

Click on the "Login" button.

users - login [en] - 260161.3

(2) Now, you are on the login-page. Click on "want to register".

(3) You are directed to an input mask . Please fill in all input fields.

Click on "submit" to finish your registration.

You will receive an automatically generated password by e-mail within a few minutes. Then you can log in.


Note: When you login you can set a cookie in order to stay connected. If you want to learn more about this function, please visit Keep session alive


info3 - 125057.2
Username - We recommend choosing a combination of your first name and your surname. This facilitates the disctinction between users. 

Did you forget your password?

Click on "Forgot your password?" on the login page and enter the user name and e-mail address you used to register. Within a few minutes, you will receive a new password via e-mail.


AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Publiziert von: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
infoID: 109662.24 Publiziert am 25 Aug. 2010; 11:16


After you have logged in, you will see a "Settings"-button (usually on the right side of the menu bar). All personal data is specified in the settings. If you click on "Settings", you will be redirected to an overview page. The overview page shows you a summary of your personal data, a short information about your  notification settings and a list of the groups that your user belongs to.

users - settings [en] - 260159.2

You can find link to the Settings interface in the header of the page or in the left column("options area") in the "settings-box".


At present, there are four areas.

(1) Profile
All data in the personal settings can be viewed in your user profile (except password!). Access to the user profile is possible by clicking on your name in the metainfo of a fact.
(a) User profile
Here you can change your names, email, picture and also password. Type in your old password once and your new password twice. Finally, click on "save" to preserve your new password. Please note, that the system only checks the first eight letters of a password. Your password, may consist of more than eight letters, of course.
(b) Additional information

Here can be added birthday, company, short description.

(2) Contact information
You can specify contact details like telephones, messengers, adresses.
(3) Options
(a) Notifications options

Here you can request and define the details of an automatic e-mail report on changes made on your platform (see chapter on "automatic e-mail notification").

(b) Application options
> ping messages
You can determine whether you want to receive ping messages.

> preferred editor
In addition, you can decide whether you want to use a rich text editor by default (e.g. TinyMCE).

> use AJAX mode

You can enable the ajax interfaces, if not the Simple Form Interface will be used.

(4) Membership of groups on the current and other platforms.

AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
infoID: 109660.36 Publiziert am 04 Jän. 2012; 10:26


Once you have registered, an automatically generated password will be sent to your e-amil account.
You may change the password at any time in your Settings.

Please note that the the system only checks the first eight characters of your password upon login. Your password may consist of more than eight characters, of course.

Did you forget your password?

If you forgot your password, proceed as follows:

Click on "forgot your password?" on the login page.

(2) Insert your username and your e-mail address.

(3) Click on "send password".

A new password will be sent to your e-mail address within a few minutes. You will be asked to change the password after your next login.


AutorIn: Hella Dietz, CK
Publiziert von: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservice GmbH
infoID: 109661.14 Publiziert am 25 Aug. 2010; 11:18

Navigation on the platform

users - navigation [en] - 144198.5

(1) main menu

In the header of your platform you will find the main menu. In the standard solution provided by us, "Structure" is on the left side, followed by buttons for other services your platform offers. On the right side, you see the users online, settings and login/logout buttons.

The menu buttons for Structure and Services can be replaced with other buttons according to your wishes. In this case, the individual services are accessible via a drop-down menu in the left column. There you will also find a link for "Structure".

(2) pathline - vertical navigation
Below the header of your platform, you will see a pathline that shows you which area of your platform you are currently in (“Home > Structure > English > Manuals“). The titles displayed in the pathline, are shorter than the original titles, for space saving reasons. If you want to jump to a higher level in the hierarchy, simply click on the respective designation in the pathline (e.g. "English").

(3) advanced search
On the right side, between header and pathline, is the button “Factlist & search”. You can search (text-based) content on the platform for certain words, using the given options (fact type, publisher etc.). If you press the "Search"-Button without making any choice, ALL facts on the platform will be listed.
For detailed description of the functionalities of "Factlist & Seach" see chapter Factlist & search,

(4) Left Box (options area)
The Left Box (options area) consists of numerous boxes. These boxes contain information on facts displayed in the main frame. Moreover, you will find all edit-options there.

Platform administrators decide which boxes are visible in the options area. They can determine that some boxes are only visible to certain groups.

Further information on the options area is available in the chapter "Left Frame (Options Area) - boxes".

(5) previous | next fact - horizontal navigation:
If required, users can activate a horizontal navigation. By doing so, users can directly jump from one fact to the next within a folder. Subsequently, facts do not need to be opened and closed individually. If the horizontal navigation is activated, ther are "previous" and "next" arrows above the fact title. You can activate the horizontal navigation while creating or editing a folder.


AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Publiziert von: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webserivces GmbH
infoID: 144193.16 Publiziert am 25 Aug. 2010; 11:19

Design of the System

The design of FCS platforms greatly differs from common software products. Therefore, it is essential to understand the basic design of the system.

Each FCS platform disposes of an individually selected choice of so-called "Content Services". Upon request, services can be activated and deactivated later on.

Basically, services allow you to publish different types of content (e.g. a text, a file, a picture). Subsequently, each service allows for a distinctive presentation of content types. As a result, a normal text looks different from a picture.

Each content item is referred to as a "fact".

All facts of a particular service are saved in separate repositories called "service filings". The repositories can be accessed via the main menu or the service box in the options area.

The service "Structure" consists of folders which can be organised hierarchically. Folders can be used to order facts thematically.

Folders always contain shortcuts. Basically, a shortcut is a link to an original fact which is stored in the respective service filing. Subsequently, it is possible to assign one fact to several different folders.


users - aufbau des systems [en] - 160864.6



AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser, CK
Publiziert von: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
infoID: 134506.19 Publiziert am 25 Aug. 2010; 11:20

Content Services

An FCS platform is made up of indivdually selected modules called "Services". The relationship between these services is explained in the chapter "".

At the moment the FCS offers 18 content-services and 6 functional-services:


Content Services
These services allow you to create an publish facts (= content items).
users - icon text - 126582.5 Text create texts and format them with a text-editor allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
users - icon news - 178720.2 News clearly laid out presentation of latest news allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
datei - 117054.5 Downloads upload and download files allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
users - icon bild - 238589.3 Images upload pictures and include them in texts allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
icons - event.gif - 238590.2 Events list of upcoming/past events allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
users - icon link - 238591.1 Links collect, categorize, describe links allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
users - icon literatur - 238592.1 Library collect, categorize, describe bibliographic sources allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
opinion.gif - 238593.2 Forum write short statements ("posten") allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
users - icon album - 238594.1 Album present a large number of pictures allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
users - icon factchat - 238597.1 factchat arrange written contributions on a chatboard allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
users - icon weblog - 238598.1 Weblogs chronological list of entries allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
users - icon partner - 238604.1


logos of associates in the header allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
icons - commententry.gif - 238599.2 Comment add comments below a fact allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
 company profile - 1191302.1 Company Profile  creation of company profiles  allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
 expert profiles - 1191329.1 Expert Profile creates expert profiles allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
  users - icon text - 126582.5 Ebuddymikroartikel 
creates e-buddy micro articles
allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
  questionnaire - 1233897.1 Client Questionnaire
creates client questionnaires
allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
  snapshot icon - 1224609.1 Snapshot creates snapshots
allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more

  question - 1404773.1


Questions and Answers


creates a queston and a user can answer


allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more


Functional Services
These services provide support for working processes on the platform.
icons - Search.png - 238600.2 Search
fulltext and advanced search on the whole platform
allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
  Index Search makes the search service work faster allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
icons - ordner.png - 117055.4
create a hierarchical folder structure
allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
icons - notification.png - 238602.2
automatic notification about changes on the platform
allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
icons - users - 238603.2
Users Online
display of all users who are currently online
allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
 icons - tag.gif - 1224147.2 Tagging  Create tags and link them to your facts  allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more
text-editor for writing and formatting text
allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 more



 The names of services are standard designations used by factline. Other names are possible.


AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser
Publiziert von: factline Webservices
Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH
infoID: 109615.43 Publiziert am 15 Nov. 2010; 16:32


Part II: Create content


Part III: Functions & services


AutorIn: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline Webservices (factline5)
infoID: 1513211.3 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 03 Sep. 2010 15:28
Referers (1):
Online user manual03 Feb. 2014factlink