Sākums > Struktūra > English > Glossary > Input Mask
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Input Mask
Please fill in all fields of the entry mask. If you need explanations to specific fields, please click on the respective link in the alphabetical list below:
author copyright date description event type filedata industry codeinternet type language literature types news kind news type password permissions place publishing House screenprint seconds shortname source text title URL username year
For the field "text" or "description" you have three different ways to type in text:
  1. Text-Mode:
    The text entry can be formatted with simple HTML-tags. The use of the Enter-button for word-wrapping is possible.
  2. HTML-Mode:
    The whole text must begin with <html> and end with </html>. Word wrapping can only be accomplished by entering the tag <br>. This way is required to use complex HTML syntax (particularly with tables!).
    (see-> Format text in HTML)
  3. facttext–editor–Mode:
    With the help of the facttext-editor you can, as in Microsoft Word, write and format texts. You can find detailed help about its use by reading through ->Working with factline text editor
When all fields are filled in, click "next>>" to proceed (or "cancel" to abort the process). After you click "next>>" a groups list opens where you can set permissions for this fact. (-> Assign permissions to groups) You can accept the pre-selection of the pAdmin or make your own choice. Click on "preview" to go to the page of the modified fact.

The system has now saved the information and is displaying it in its complete layout, along with the fact's respective infoID (-> see Meaning of the infoID).

At that time the new content(fact) is still visible to you only. Until the fact is published it can not be accessed even by the users that you have permitted to read and/or write (-> Publish content).
pfeil proceed to: Publish Information

Autors: Astrid Holzhauser; Publicēja: Diana Filipova (diangel)
infoID: 134764.4 (...Arhīvs); Publicēts 17 Okt. 2003 19:44
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