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Platform general – statistics about platform activities

You see a table with three menu items:

  • Traffic and disk usage
    Use of the web space and the extent of the data traffic. If these values exceed the ones included in your contract, factline must charge you extra for the additionally used amount.
  • Visitors and visits
    Here you can find extensive information about the visitors to your platform. View how many users per day / month / year come to your platform. How long are the users staying? How many of them have logged in doing that or have remained as guests. You can also see which pages and in what order has the user accessed.
  • Statistics for service Search
    History of the search queries (amount per day/month/year, used keywords).
|*| Click on the desired “view” button.

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AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Toby Neal (tobiasneal)
infoID: 163745.4 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 04 Mai. 2006 17:07
Struktur  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals  >  statistics 
Referers (2):
Analyzing Statistics06 Okt. 2010factlink
table of contents23 Nov. 2009factlink