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Im folgenden die Ergebnisse eine Abfrage über eine Reihe von web-basierten Quellen (einschlägigen Weblogs etc.).

27 Sep. 15; 12:18: Using an e-portfolio for pathology: the good, the not-so-good
This is my second experience using an e-portfolio software. My first experience was with a SCIF cour ... (още)

22 Sep. 15; 05:21: Question 3: "Reflect critically on using an ePortfolio for your learning, i.e. discuss the role of reflection on your learning."
A major part of the PATH2201 course I believe is the reflection in the form of this e-portfolio. Thr ... (още)

4 Sep. 15; 14:04: SOMS3001 - Tissue Culture
Totally forgot to do this reflection/E-portfolio thingo, but to summarise: First couple of weeks wer ... (още)

14 Apr. 11; 14:12: Learning Forum London 2009
the 7th international ePortfolio conference ... (още)

9 Feb. 11; 19:30: ._ePortfolio_2004_perez.ppt
... (още)

9 Feb. 11; 19:30: ePortfolio_2004_perez.ppt
... (още)

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